This weekend was all about music. I got off work at 3 pm on Friday so I could head up to Minneapolis to see my favorite band, Keane, play at Myth Nightclub in Maplewood.
My sister and a friend went with and we listened to Keane and the Kings of Leon on the way to the concert. I knew I loved Keane but I fell in love with the Kings of Leon on that drive. So did Jess and Sara.
The concert was awesome! Had a few beers while we waited in about the 10th row for the opening acts to start.
The Helio Sequence opened up the concert and they were really good. Best song was "Lately." At one point in the song, I was just kind of rocking out and my sister told me to listen to the lyrics. Wow, talk about a song that fit my life right now. Thanks sis.
The drummer for Helio was hilarious. He had this great style and his facial expressions while he drummed were priceless.
Next band was Mat Kearney and he was good. Had one hit song - "Nothing Left to Lose" - that was fun to hear.
And then......Keane came out. Wow, what a rush to see your favorite band for the second time. Like seeing old friends again!
They were better than the first time and Tom's voice was spot on. They played a great set with a lot of the older songs mixed with the new ones. They also did a live debut of "My Shadow" and that was cool to hear.
Keane had a much louder sound live than they do on their CD. It was sure fun to get into the music and sing along.
Before Keane came on, I ran into a friend from Forest City and he joined us in the front area. He had rode his motorcyle up to the Cities just for the concert after I told him I was going and it was cool to run into him. Good to have some more Keane fans in Forest City!
After the concert Jess and I met my buddy at Stella's Fish Cafe in Uptown and had a drink then went back to crash at his place in St. Paul.
On Saturday morning, I went on a great run around Como Lake. It's a 1.6 mile loop around the lake and I did 3 loops plus some extra mileage from the house for a total of a 7.5 mile run averaging about 8:30 per mile.
I felt great and could have probably kept that pace up for another 3 or 4 miles.
After the run, we went to Sushi Tango in Uptown for a little raw fish!
I pigged out (hungry from the run?) and had....Miso Soup. 2 Bloody Marys. Mutsu sashimi (super white tuna). Red snapper sashimi (with a razor thin slice of lime on the fish, awesome!). And a spicy tuna roll.
My sister tried sushi for the first time and thought it was decent. I was just impressed that she ate two pieces! Way to go, again, sis!
On Saturday night, I headed to GiGo's with some friends and had a great, spontaneous night of music, drinks and food! The pizza was awesome. Kings of Leon rocked everyone's socks off. Great to see friends in Clear Lake and their little kid! Smoked a cigar outside the VFW with one of my best buddies and then we rocked the Kings of Leon all the way home.
Today I slept in really late and got in a two-hour bike ride and a 40 minute swim. Both workouts felt really good!
Spent the evening at Stross Newcom's high school graduation. Talk about a great story. I remember when the Newcoms came to Forest City and how mesmerized our whole family was with Stross. He was the cutest little kid. And he was (and still is!) the happiest guy. His smile is infectious and when he was little, he would get so excited that he would frantically wave his arms and laugh and laugh and laugh. I wasn't that old myself, but I distinctly remember how happy I was when I was watching him laugh!
I'm so proud of Stross for graduating from high school and being so active. He's a wonderful young man and the way he has handled the obstacles in his life has been an inspiration to me and a lot of other people!
I'm sad to see this weekend go. It was quite the adventure. Singing songs. Eating raw fish. Running around a lake. Biking. Swimming. Smoking a cigar with a great friend. Watching an inspirational kid reach a major milestone in his life.
This weekend reminded me how great life can be. Life is too short not to....
Enjoy the ride,
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