Saturday, September 19, 2009

A Reminder

I just found out that someone I knew -- not that well but I knew him nonetheless -- died this week.

He was 31. He had two kids. He had a wife.

Life gets put into perspective every so often and last night, when I found out, it hit me pretty hard.

We spend so much time in life planning.

Planning for the week ahead. Planning vacations. Planning meals. Planning to buy a bigger house. Planning to find that perfect job. Planning to move.

But our plans don't amount to a hill of beans if we can't be happy TODAY.

Life isn't about tomorrow. It's about this moment. Right now.

I've met so many happy people who work in factories and at fast food restaurants who seem so happy. And I've read about Buddhist monks who own nothing yet rejoice in their simple, happy lives.

What I'm getting at is that happiness is not about money. And I'm not necessarily happy because I currently make a comfortable living.

I think my happiest days are when I have life in clear perspective. And my happiness comes from the simple, quiet moments.

When lunch outside at noon, seems like winning the lottery.

When a 4-mile jog lights up so many endorphins that I feel "high."

When a deer runs across the road when I'm biking, and stops and looks at me and just stays there -- still.

When I'm on a beach with friends reading a good book.

When a scent reminds me of a pleasant memory.

When an old friend calls out of the blue, and just wants to catch up.

We get a chance every day to be happy. And we need to take full advantage of each opportunity.

It can all end at any time.

But we have today. Contentment and happiness are at our fingertips.

At this moment, I'm going to quit typing and start reaching out for happiness.

It's TODAY after all. It's always TODAY.

Enjoy the (happy) ride,

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