I'm watching Hope for Haiti tonight. It's a good reminder that life isn't about The Damm Journey. It's about our journey together.
The worst of humanity can be on display when people like Pat Robertson claim that God is somehow punishing Haiti for their "pact with the devil." But this is not the norm. This is not the religion or belief that most of us subscribe to.
The hundreds of millions of dollars donated from the U.S.A. to Haiti shows the goodness of our country.
The partnership of Bill Clinton and George W. Bush shows that men and women of politics are really men and women of public service. I don't believe the most politicians are the slime that we make them out to be. As a Democracy, the United States will need to change the path of our country if we are to keep good public servants from being corrupted by petty politics, large corporations and lobbyists hell-bent on making money.
The way that my generation has donated money through text, Twitter and other forms of technology shows that even though we might read fewer books and participate in the world differently, my generation is just as capable of serving and giving as those who have come before us.
Haiti has taught me about humanity. I've given $20 to Haiti and I encourage you to make a donation. Anything helps.
As soon as we focus too closely on our own journeys, we are often reminded that our journeys are tied to those around us.
I'm not sure I've met anyone from Haiti but my path is tied to theirs.
My belief in the Tao means that I am tied to the destiny of everyone on this earth and that we are all one.
At some point in my life, I know I'll need to work to make other people's lives better if I am going to be happy and content.
This month I start with my donations to Haiti and my work with Winnebago County's Relay for Life. And that journey must continue.
Please join me on this journey of compassion. I'm going to give more money to Haiti and more time to Relay for Life.
It's time that we all help others....
Enjoy the ride,
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