Saturday, March 13, 2010


Artist Statement:

"Las Muchas Caras del Caballo Sebastian"

This painting is a visual representation of my views regarding the philosophies of Immanuel Kant.

It was an emotional, self-consuming process to create this piece of art. But it had to be done.

Sometimes paint and canvas need to collide with one another -- a momentary flurry of self-expression, vision and thought.

I think the rigid, linear parts of this piece define Kant's view of pure reason. At least that's what I was going for.

The free-flowing spirals and bursts of paint represent a new way of thinking. The categorical imperative, as it were.

And so this painting, ultimately, says everything and it says nothing.

If it were a book, it might begin: "Sebastian was a horse of many faces..."

And it might end: "...You, with your visions and dreams."

Enjoy the ride (and the humor),

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