Right now I'm typing my first blog from my iPad. This morning I woke up to my iPhone alarm. I went for a run on a treadmill and logged my miles on an app that charts all of my workouts. I listened to an iTunes playlist as I ran.
I entered all of my meals into a calorie tracker app and that will chart my weight, calories and fitness goals.
I used my iPhone at PF Changs to figure out what was healthiest to eat. I used it last night for GPS directions in Des Moines.
Tonight I used it to look up reviews of the sushi restaurant we are going to.
My iPhone syncs with my iPad which syncs with most of my web-based applications on my desktop and my laptop.
Is this ruining my life?
No. It's enhancing it.
But when I'm not careful, I forget to look people in the eye. I forget that apps do nothing unless they help us actually do something.
Facebook and Twitter are helping lead revolutions across the Arab world. But they can also eat away too much of our time.
I hope that someday we use technology so efficiently that we only have to work 20 hours per week.
We all need more time to be outside and ride our bikes. And go to dinner with friends. And read books and watch movies.
It's not iLife after all - it's my life.
Enjoy the ride (and don't forget to log your miles),
Love this, Josh! Thanks for sharing yourLIFE.