On Sunday, I ran in the Des Moines Half Marathon with the goal of running it in 1 hour and 44 minutes (about 8 minutes per mile).
I had spent a few weeks doing speed work and trying to train myself to run faster. The four day Vegas trip didn't really help me reach my goal and staying out until 5 am on the Friday night before the Sunday half marathon probably didn't help either.
I ended up finishing the race in 1:46:45 -- about 3 minutes off my goal but still right around 8:09 per mile -- not that bad and at least my times are improving.
I have to admit that I was a little jealous that my buddy Fitz ran the race in 1:36 but he's a great natural runner and has also spent a lot of time training this summer.
Overall, I'm just really glad that I have some friends who are getting into running/biking as much as I am!
Anyway, the highlight of Sunday's race wasn't my finish time. The two highlights on Sunday came by way of a name and a train.
On Thursday I decided that I was going to make some sort of goofy shirt for the race. I ended up writing my first name on the front of the shirt and on the back I put something to this effect: "Official Pacer -- GOAL TIME -- BE:ER.13 -- Ladies, Join Us! -- Just shout out your phone #"
You wouldn't believe how many people did 1 of 3 things:
1) Yelled "Go Josh" with a huge smile on their face.
2) Said "That shirt is awesome!" having read the back of the shirt.
3) Asked me how I was going to get phone numbers when I had my iPod headphones on.
My answers were:
1) Thanks or a thumbs-up.
2) I would reply, "Thanks!" -- "Too bad this awesome shirt has got me 0 phone numbers."
3) "I have the volume on really low."
A few girls talked to me about the shirt but didn't give up the phone number. Shucks!
Overall though, most of the cute girls were behind me a ways and I'll just say that's why I didn't get any phone numbers.
Fitz and I talked to our buddy Clint after the race and met his new girlfriend, Abby. Great to see him and meet her!
What I won't forget from Sunday is how many people yelled "Go Josh!" during the race.
They didn't know me but they cheered for me just because I had written my name on my t-shirt.
I think more people would cheer for each other if they just knew each other's names.
Okay, so about this train. As Fitz and I are walking back to the finish line after getting sweatshirts at his car, we see a train cut across the route and delay a few of the half-marathon finishers. Luckily I had my camera on me and snapped a few photos. Then, amazingly, the elite marathon leaders approached the train and the leader of the marathon actually had to stop in his "tracks" for about 30 seconds with only 400 meters left until the finish line.
He was a Kenyan and he kept saying "Where is the finish, where is the finish?"
I took more photos of this unique sight and once the train passed I told Fitz that I had to send these to the Des Moines Register because I knew they would get printed.
Sure enough, they did. One photo appeared on the Monday front page and another photo (the one above) appeared on the front of the sports page and in the online article.
Evidently, the photo was also used by WHO in Des Moines.
On Sunday I learned two things:
1) People want to cheer us on and if they know your name, they'll yell it!
2) Trains (obstacles) might get in our way but they pass and pretty soon we can get back to...
Enjoy(ing) the ride,
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