Monday, October 12, 2009

A Winter Wanderland

It snowed today.

Huge, soft snowflakes reminding me that I live in Iowa.

While it was only a temporary look at winter, it reminded me that I'm going to have to find something worthwhile to do this winter besides working out and hanging out with friends.

I have so many things on my list and hopefully I'll be done with most of the "home improvement" items by the time winter truly rolls around.

In November, I'm off to Peru to visit a former player that played golf for me at Waldorf. I'm excited to go on my second overseas trip and my first trip to South America.

But I know that when I get back, winter will probably be waiting for me.

I want to start learning Spanish, get in sick shape for once, read quite a few books, begin my Half Ironman training program, watch some good movies, travel out of Forest City when I can, and learn to use my Nikon camera better.

But, shit! Where to begin?

Can I really do any of these things or am I just making another list that won't get completed?

This winter I want to wander away from my old way of doing things -- the open-a-book-but-don't-finish-it way.

I want to travel in a new direction. Complete some goals for once.

So this week I'm writing the prologue blog that will hopefully lead to an epilogue blog by the time spring rolls around in 2010. (Yes, I'm aware that the previous sentenced had some sick rhymes in it.)

I hope you'll join with me in this Winter Wanderland. A chance to check off some of those items on our bucket lists. Let me know what you're planning on doing and we'll hold each other accountable.

And if we only make it to Chapter 8 or 9, we'll push each other toward the conclusion that holds some resolution for our goals.

And while we write our winter blogs, we'll still be...

Enjoy(ing) the ride,


  1. Okay! My goal is to travel to South America with you! LOL Seriously, I want to do more than finish the books I read. I want to start writing one. There I said it out loud...well I wrote it out loud. I'm scared!!!!

  2. You're welcome to join blonde_mommy but I have no idea who you are!
