Friday, January 8, 2010

Hope for Resolution

I'm going to keep this blog short and sweet but I wanted to publicly state some of my resolutions for 2010 before it gets too far into the year.

Public accountability is a big part of keeping one's New Year's Resolutions -- what better place than my blog to make my resolutions known.

Here they are, in no particular order:

- No blackjack, casino games or sports betting. Only poker.
- Train for the Kansas Half-Ironman beginning January 18th. The race is on June 6.
- No soda or diet soda unless I'm having it as part of a mixed drink. (I stuck to this for 10 months in 2009 and should have just stayed with it)
- Lift weights 3 times per week in addition to my triathlon training.
- I will not eat Taco Jerry's, pizza, crappy fast food or superfluous treats/desserts. Eating is now a part of my training.
- Cut back on drinking -- twice per week at the MOST!
- 2 hours per week of Rosetta Stone Spanish. I want to learn Spanish!
- Travel, interact with people, live life to the fullest and help others.

As I love to say, 2010 is going to be EPIC. And while some of these resolutions are still fairly broad, I'm going to continue to specify how I'll accomplish these goals -- especially as my training begins.

Enjoy the (Epic) ride,

1 comment:

  1. Epic is right! An epic reinvention of mind and body. Best wishes for the new year, friend. Thanks for sharing.
